Sering mendengar istilah root atau rooting tapi belum mencoba? Inilah langkah mudah untuk root android anda:
- Download SuperOneClick disini
- Extrat SuperOneClick (Install .NET framework jika PC menggunakan XP)
- Install driver Android device anda.
- Matikan Anti Virus.
- Izinkan Unknown Source Application di android device dengan cara buka menu Settings > Applications > centang Unknown Source
- Aktifkan USB Debugging di Setting > Applications > Development > centang USB Debugging
- Konekkan Android device dengan PC menggunakan USB.
- Double click SuperOneClick.exe yg ada di folder hasil extract tadi.
- Kilk root, tunggu sampe selesai.
Tested on Huawei U8350 Boulder Firmware 2.2.2, Do it with your own risk (Not risky at all :p)
I have used AVG security for a couple of years, I recommend this anti virus to all you.